Available now: Volume XVI, January 1997-December 1997 Indochina Chronology is a quarterly publication devoted to historical and contemporary events in Vietnam (including the Vietnam War), Cambodia and Laos; as a bibliographic resource on book, monograph, periodical and journal literature; and as a source of news in academic in the field. It was begun in 1982 at the University of California (Berkeley) and moved to Texas Tech University (Lubbock) in mid-1997. The transfer necessitated a suspension. This issue is for the year 1997. In 1998 it will resume as a quarterly publication. It is made available, gratis, to academics, historians, writers, researchers, journalists, veterans, government officials. Editorial responsibility for the publication is The Vie. tnam Center, Texas Tech University, James R. Reckner, director. Editor is Douglas Pike. Editorial assistance is supplied by Rosa Garcia, Les Cullen, David Morokoff, Khanh Le and Myrna Pike. Indochina Chronology operates in conjunction with The Vietnam Archive, also at the Texas Tech University (James Ginther and Ronald Frankum).
Quarterly Journal Address: Indochina Chronology The Vietnam Center Douglas Pike, Editor Texas Tech Universib Lubbock,TX 79409-1045 USA Phone: +1 (806) 742-3742 Douglas Pike, Editor: +1 (806) 742-8663 Fax: (806) 742-8664 Email: vietnam.center@ttu.edu
SHRIMP fARMING AND MANGROVE: Mangrove prevents coastal erosion and provides spawning grounds for fish so it is of economic importance.
Shrimp farming is lucrative in the short term but it does a lot of very expensive harm in the long term (apart from the destruction of mangrove, shrimp farms are extremely polluting). I think Thailand has banned new shrimp farms.